Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Daring to Design and Pretty Page

So unless a Texan lives in the panhandle, the rest of us rarely see snow, let alone snow that sticks around for longer than a few hours. Yesterday, our neck of the woods received about 4-5 inches of snow and then a hard freeze. With absolutely nothing else to do, I thought creating my France account blog would be ideal, considering I HATE driving in snow or ice with Texas drivers.

To my absolute delight, our roomies needed someone to pick them up from their honeymoon flight, no objections here considering my soon-to-be hubby and I have not seen the other half of our family (i.e. the roomies) in almost a month. We went out to eat and caught up on family drama, holiday drama, and honeymoon stories, after almost dying several times trying to navigate through the airport terminals. Needless to say, no chance to set up the blog yesterday.

Today, there was still snow, and my man softly shook me awake, reminding me that I agreed to drive him to the gym and join him in a workout. Seriously wanted to faint at that point, so that he couldn't physically wake me.

I am NOT a morning person.

Just wanted to make this fact clear, but considering I did agree, I hauled my zombie-fied rear out of bed and pulled on thirty layers of clothing. Old apartment + three bedroom windows + sixteen degree temperatures outside = one chilly awakening. Walking into the living room, I realized that my car was probably encased in ice and the road as well. I then convinced him to flake out on our gym date (shame on me), but it gave me the time to play on my laptop for several hours.

Somehow, I was able to teach myself some HTML coding and graphic making skills today (thanks to kevinandamanda.com, Shabby Blogs, and The Background Fairy), all while Where the Wild Things Are played in the background.
-Wonderful movie by the way, I heard about some controversy surrounding it, and my two cents says that it was a wonderful literal and metaphorical account of life happenings that children experience today.

Aside from our skype consultation with our wedding photographer, which went fabulously, the rest of this day has been devoted to creating a visually pleasing and warm-fuzzy inducing site for friends, family, and anyone else who is curious about the happenings in the life of a study abroad student.


  1. I may be commenting as Taelor (Google), but I am the "hubby-to-be" I can definitely see why everyone is asking you to make this a book. You're a very good writer, and your recollection is amazing. I could barely recall the events from yesterday, let alone write it clearly on paper (or a website). I can't wait to see what happens next!

    -Hubby-to-be :)-

  2. Oh for the talent and ability you possess with words! I feel as though I am there, Ash, experiencing right along with you the wonder and amazement of time spent far away from home! Thank you so much honey for taking what little free time you must have to share with all of us your day to day challenges.. Keep it up....we are all thoroughly awe struck; waiting for the next edition! Nannie Montague
